It’s no secret that vaping is dangerous, but using a product like Delta 8 Oil may be the next best thing to stop you from becoming one of the statistic. This article will talk about what Delta 8 oiland delta 8 drops is and how it can help save your life.
What Delta 8 Oil Is
Delta 8 Oil is an e-cigarette liquid that has been recently made available on the market to help individuals quit smoking or use less harmful alternatives in order to reduce their risk of developing heart disease, cancer, and other chronic diseases. Delta 8 oil is made and sold by the Delta 8 brand out of Salt Lake City, Utah.
Users of Delta 8 Oil have reported that they find that their cravings for nicotine are significantly diminished in one or two days. As well as this, many users have even claimed that they had no desire to smoke at all after using Delta 8 Oil. These results are sure to surprise a smoker who has tried every other product on the market, and it will certainly change their life for the better.
How Delta 8 Oil Works
Delta 8 Oil is made up of four ingredients: Glycerol, nicotine, THC, and CBD. The first three ingredients act as a filler and filler enhancer in order to make the oil lighter in consistency and give it a more vapor-like effect when smoked. These fillers have no medical benefits by themselves. It is the last ingredient that makes this product work; CBD. Delta 8 Oil has been found to be approximately 78% CBD.
The reason that Delta 8 Oil works so well for suppressing the desire to smoke because it contains a compound known as CBD, which is also known as cannabidiol. CBD is a chemical found in the cannabis plant that has been used for many years to help control symptoms of nausea, anxiety and pain and CBD is now considered medicinal. There are no side effects, no addiction, and it’s completely natural.
How do I use Delta 8 oil?
Delta 8 Oil comes in a small bottle with a dropper. You are to apply it exactly as you would use an e-cigarette, and it is best used with an e-cigarillo or e-cigarette device. The best results are usually achieved by vaping it from the same device that you smoke from.
You are able to add the oil directly into your e-cigarillo or e-cigarette, or you can put it in a separate cartridge. However, be sure that you don’t exceed the fill mark on your device as this will lead to leaking and damage.