There are many reasons to buy a used car. It offers the same features for less money, it can save you time by not having to shop for a new car from the start, and used cars in tucson usually come in one-third smaller carbon footprints than their new counterparts. There is even an extra tax break on resale value.
Here are reasons to buy used cars:
Cheaper price
The first reason to buy a car is because you want it. After that, how much you are going to pay for it is really a matter of personal preference. You can save hundreds, thousands, or even tens of thousands of dollars by buying used. If you are not picky and want a reliable car, then it is probably cheaper to buy a used car.
It is environmentally friendly
When you buy a new car, there are several components that are thrown away in order to make room for the new ones: the engine, transmission, interior parts and more. All of these things go directly in the trash, and if you are lucky they don’t end up in a landfill. An automobile’s carbon footprint is very large, even if it is only driven for 1,000 miles. This can be compared to a pound of carbon dioxide being released into the atmosphere when you drive that same vehicle 1,000 miles all the way around the world.
It is reliable
A quality used car is still a quality car, even if it has been driven for many hundreds of thousands of miles. A new car can have problems when you first use it, but if you take care of it and keep the maintenance schedule on a regular basis, you will get years of service from it.
You save time
When shopping for a new car, most people have to test several different cars until they find one that works for them. This means paying for test-driving cars, on top of the purchase price. With a used car, you can save money and time by not having to take as many test drives.
You save money on taxes
When you buy a new car, you get a tax credit to help pay for all of the new components that are added when you buy it, which sounds great at first. However, the tax credit is paid over several years and it only really saves you money if you have one or two cars in your life.